The walls of Clegg Hall in Littleborough are supposedly haunted by a creepy and mysterious boggart.
To understand where this legend comes from we need to take a step back in history, to the 13-14th centuries, when the two young heirs to the original Clegg Hall were left in the care of their uncle while their father went off to fight in France.
Their uncle, believed to be after his fair share of the house, killed the two children off, hoisting them up and throwing them off the balcony, plunging to their deaths in the surrounding moat.
Eventually when the father returned, his brother decided to make him his next victim.
Paul Hogg/Wikipedia
But after hearing the voice of one of his sons beckon through the house saying ‘father – beware’, the father sent his brother to his own death instead.
The phantom boy has issued warnings to people ever since, according to legend.
The wicked uncle got his comeuppance, haunted by his own guilty conscience. He didn’t even get rest when he died, and is now said to be roaming the halls to this day.
This coincides with the legend of the Clegg Hall boggart – as the ghost is better known – which is usually placed around the 13th century.
The house changed hands many times over the next few centuries.
Between 1818-1869 the building was actually a pub, called Horse and Hounds. One day, as children tend to do when their parents are getting merry at the bar, some kids were running around causing havoc and playing with anything they could find.
A good few hours later though, the parents of a little girl who was playing with the group of kids struggled to find her.
Tim Green/Wikimedia
More hours went by before they found her body stuffed behind a wall.
Being that this building is literally hundreds of years old, it’s likely there wasn’t any cladding or insulation and instead just solid brick wall, so maybe take this tale with a pinch of salt.
You really can’t dispute all the claims of people who have seen pale faces in the windows and heard crying through the walls. Could it be that the boggart still roams the halls?
For centuries now, the families who have lived there have put up with restless moanings of lost spirits or maybe it’s just the wind blowing through the old stone walls. Whatever it is – this place is hella creepy and you wouldn’t catch me dead alone there in the dark.
Clegg Hall was restored to it’s former glory in recent years and is now privately owned. Rumour has it some of the builders haven’t been seen since…