Low and behold, a menu dedicated entirely to the humble crisp butty now exists.
Now, there’s nothing quite as delectable as a packet of crisps emptied between two slices of bread and smashed together – a personal favourite of mine is Walkers cheese and onion sandwiched between two slices of Warburtons blue packet bread. You simply can’t beat it.
But now, there’s a whole crisp butty menu that puts my homemade cheese and onion crisp concoctions to shame.

Stalybridge Buffet Bar & Beerhouse / Facebook
The famed Stalybridge Buffet Bar, located at Stalybridge train station, has put together the new menu which includes a range of ‘crisp’ and ‘non-crisp’ butties featuring the likes of crinkle cuts, Monster Munch, Scampi Fries and Wotsits.
Pub operations manager Barry Shaw came up with the idea a few months back and initially posted it on social media as a joke but, after an overwhelmingly positive response by regulars, he decided to launch a full menu this week.
The innovative menu offers the choice of ‘crinkle cut classics’ served up on Warburton’s white ‘thick sliced toastie’ bread and Lurpak butter, with the choice of ready salted, salt and vinegar, cheese and onion or Canadian ham, for a reasonable £2.25.

And for more adventurous customers, there’s the ‘non-crisp’ category, which offers the more exotic savoury items like pickled onion Monster Munch, Wotsits or pub classics Scampi Fries and Bacon Fries for a little bit extra at £2.95.
There’s also the ‘combo’ section, where crisp butty diners can combine a mixture of fries and crisps in a butty, like the genius ‘Surf and Turf’ – Scampi Fries and Bacon Fries – or the ‘Cheese and Bacon’ – Wotsits and Bacon Fries for £3.
And for the real crisp fanatics, there’s the ‘seven course tasting platter’ which includes a range of bar snacks such as hot pork scratchings, poppadoms, Monster Munch and two bags of classic Seabrooks crinkle crisps for £7.
The menu is currently running as a trial at two Beerhouse Pubs, Stalybridge Buffet Bar and West Riding Beerhouse in Dewsbury for the next week, before seeing if there’s sufficient interest to keep it as a permanent fixture and add to all five of the group’s pubs – so get yourself down if you’re wanting the crisp butty to become a permanent fixture in your local!