
NHS set to receive extra £3bn to prepare for a potential second wave of coronavirus

The PM is set to announce it.



The NHS will be getting an additional £3bn of extra funding to prepare for a potential second wave, the prime minster is set to announce. 

Due to the scientists’ warning of a second wave ahead of winter, Downing Street is set to announce additional funding to ensure additional hospital capacity. 

Boris Johnson will announce in a press conference today a commitment to reaching a new target of 500,000 coronavirus tests each day by November, according to reports

The £3bn funding will allow private hospital capacity to be used and for Nightingale hospitals to be maintained until the end of March.  


Sir Patrick Vallance, the Government’s chief scientific adviser, commissioned a report that warned there could be 120,000 hospital deaths in a ‘reasonable worst-case scenario’. 

There are concerns that during the annual flu season a resurgence of the virus could be crippling. 

A Downing Street spokesman said: “Thanks to the hard work and sacrifices of the British people, the virus is under control and we have eased restrictions in a cautious, phased way.

“But the Prime Minister is clear that now is not the time for complacency, and we must make sure our NHS is battle ready for winter. Tomorrow he will set out a broad package of measures to protect against both a possible second wave and to ease winter pressures and keep the public safe.”

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The immediate funding for England is reportedly new and has not been previously allocated. Expenditure will be set out for the devolved nations in due course. 

Johnson is set to publish an additional chapter to the roadmap for recovery from the crisis. 

NHS Providers – which represents the organisations within the health service – welcomed the additional financial support that will help preparation ahead of the ‘triple whammy of pressures’ from winter.

Deputy Chief Executive, Saffron Cordery, has called for ‘urgent clarity’. She added: “Trusts need more than that. They have got to recover the lost ground of the last four or five months and put measures in place to manage the additional activity that always happens in winter.

“Sadly what we do know won’t be included is social care. Social care across the country is in a critical condition and the Government has still failed to commit to providing the sector with the funding it needs to be fully sustainable.”

The British Medial Association has also called for more details, and council chairman Dr Chaand Nagpaul said: “The Government talks of winter planning, but we need transparency on this, including how far this money can stretch in tackling a modelled worst-case forecast – including a second peak, additional non-Covid demand and a possible flu outbreak

“Crucially, the Government must make prevention a priority and take every necessary step to try and avoid a national second spike all together.”

Earlier this week, the prime minister warned in a report by the Academy of Medical Sciences that action must now be taken to mitigate the potential for a second peak including ramping up the Test and Trace system.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock has announced plans for the ‘biggest flue vaccination programme in history’ with eligibility for free injections likely being extended. 

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The new plans to be announced by Mr Johnson are set to allow other routine treatments and procedures to continue, unlike at the beginning of lockdown where non-urgent operations were suspended to free hospital beds. 

The road map that is set to be announced is also expected to include advise on getting people back into workplaces. 

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