
You will be able to order alcohol without a substantial meal in some Tier 2 venues

Some venues will now be able to serve booze without food.



shotsoflois & elevatebeer/Unsplash

The government has announced new guidance that permits the sale of alcohol without a substantial meal in some Tier 2 settings.

Venues in Tier 2 had previously only been allowed to sell alcohol alongside a substantial meal. The debate over what is classed as a substantial meal caused Scotch Egg Gate yesterday, as Michael Gove struggled to define the rule.

The government has now partially U-turned on its decision, announcing that alcohol will be able to be purchased at ticketed events. 

This means fans will be able to get a boozy drink at music venues, theatres, sports grounds and cinemas.


The guidance states that alcohol must be ‘ordered by, and served to, a customer who has a ticket for an exhibition of a film, a performance or an event of training or competition at the venue, to consume in the area where the audience is seated to watch the exhibition, performance or event.’

While this is great news for areas in Tier 2, Greater Manchester remains in Tier 3 until at least December 16th when the measures are set to be reviewed.

Until that point, cinemas, theatres and concert halls in Greater Manchester must remain closed. 

The infection rate in Greater Manchester currently stands at 193.2 per 100,000, with the rate falling across every borough. Latest data shows there were 741 positive cases recorded as of December 1st. 

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