With everything that’s going on at the moment, it’s really highlighted how much we depend on the heroes who work in our NHS. They’re literally saving lives each and every day, and never has the need to thank them been more pronounced than during the coronavirus crisis.
One such message of thanks has appeared on a motorway bridge down south, covering up another legendary piece of graffiti – ‘Give peas a chance’.
Give Peas A Chance – Bridge over M25 / Facebook
‘Thank you NHS’ has now been painted on the railway bridge over the M25, between junctions 16 and 17 in Buckinghamshire, the BBC reports.
It’s not clear who the mystery artist behind the work on the bridge is, which is owned by Network Rail, but it’s a message the entire country can get behind. The previous graffiti which read ‘give peas a chance’ was so famous it even had its own Facebook group with over 9,000 followers.
There’s only one thing that could ever have properly followed ‘GIVE PEAS A CHANCE’ and it’s this: pic.twitter.com/pBaonuIMeD
Marc P Summers, admin of the group, told the BBC: “This is the greatest thing to happen to the bridge since it was messed with by Helch over 18 months ago.
“We are super happy and wish this to stay forever. The NHS deserve this as recognition for all their hard work.”
The graffiti was previously painted over with the word Helch back in 2018, which greatly annoyed fans of the original artwork, but it’s hard for anyone to disagree with the new message on the bridge.