One pub customer, after attending The Cowshed at Hucknall, took to Facebook to leave a scathing review of the restaurant and its staff, only they weren’t ready for the owner’s response.
The woman, known as Jo, ‘checked in’ to the restaurant on Facebook to give a long complaint about the service she and her family received while celebrating her sister-in-law’s 50th birthday.
But the owner’s reply to the review provided an eye-opening insight in to what might have actually happened that night, including the party being sick and not abiding by social distancing rules.
Jo’s review began: “Went here yesterday for sister in laws 50th lovely little bar – spent approx £700 between us on drinks and pizza – to be served by some members of staff with awful attitude – to be told we must drink up and leave can’t come back because one member of our party was too drunk.”
The Cowshed at Hucknall/Facebook
The woman continued: “To be them apologised to because someone had told them we were all too drunk – take in to account the money we had spent – to be them told half an hour later the owners wanted us out as we had stood up – bearing in mind we were stood up next to our table away from anyone else…
“…and that we were barred – didn’t mind taking the £700 though I have never been spoken to in such a way / maybe they should open reviews and yes our family member was sick and YES WE CLEANED IT UP – so no members if staff were affected by this…
“…maybe a course for your staff in customer service wouldn’t go amiss – rude staff huffing and puffing because they had a large round to bring out !!! [sic]”
The Cowshed at Hucknall/Facebook
It’s quite the review and anyone who has ever worked in customer service has probably dreaded the moment they would get one like this. Any small business owner knows the damage such a review can do.
With that in mind, the owners and team behind The Cowshed did not hold back in their response.
They quickly put to bed the accusation of ‘spending £700’, by explaining to reach that amount the family would have to order 77 of the most expensive pizzas on the menu or 115 double gin and mixers.
The response said: “So let’s split the difference, seeing as you had spend the ‘£700’ on both pizzas and drinks.. you and your party would have to have ordered 39 of our most expensive pizzas and 57 of our most expensive drinks to have spent £700 at our bar. You ordered no where near this, Jo… not even close.”
If that wasn’t bad enough, the owners literally pulled out the receipts to prove it.
Adding: “So seeing as you are having trouble with your memory & maths, I went over our point of sale system this afternoon for you, along with viewing our footage of your party on CCTV and our copy of your receipts. What you & your party spent, Jo was a far more realistic and believable £280 (£225 on 5 rounds of drinks and £55 on 8 pizzas).
“If you are going to lie, embellish or try to fabricate a ridiculous narrative about your time at our bar… at least make it a believable one.”
The Cowshed at Hucknall/Facebook
The Cowshed, which has a five star rating on TripAdvisor, also had something to say about the claims their staff needed a ‘course in customer service’, and instead took to holding Jo and her party accountable for their behaviour towards staff and fellow diners.
The pub said: “With the ironic exception of the young adults that were in your group and one or two others, you all acted like belligerent, entitled little toddlers from the moment you walked through our gates.
“We allowed members of your party to bring in food from other venues to circumvent their food allergies. We cleaned up all the smashed pint glasses you broke and birthday cake you dropped and smeared all over our tables & benches, and tolerated the many loud family rows you were having with each other.
“Rather than treat our staff like human beings that are just trying to earn a wage, you decided to treat them like your own personal servants, clicking your fingers, shouting, swearing and barking your orders at them, to the point one was almost in tears and refused to deal with you any more.
“You were the loudest, most obnoxious group in the whole bar, just being a nuisance in general and other customers were starting to complain about you at this point. Then, for your party’s grand finale, the gentleman in the blue shirt headed into our bar from outside and decided to vomit everywhere but the toilet.
“Our staff stepped into to help, but you demanded to ‘deal with the situation’ and rather than clean up the mess, proceeded to smear it over an even wider area with our mop, whilst… once again, being loud, rude, sticking your hand in our staff’s faces and shouting over anybody who was trying to communicate with you or help.”
The restaurant went onto explain why they have reviews turned off on social media – as it only gives one side of the story.
They also added that Jo wasn’t barred on the evening, despite ‘clicking fingers, shouting, swearing and barking orders at the staff’, which lead one member of the team to tears.
They explained: “We don’t bar paying customers on a whim. You could have come back, apologised, been given the ‘don’t let it happen again’ speech we’ve all had at one point or another and we’d have all moved on, but no… instead you ran straight to the internet, played victim, and told a pack of lies.”
But it was bad news for Jo in the end anyway as the owners added: “So now consider this your official barring… don’t you or your group ever set foot through our doors again.”
The Cowshed at Hucknall/Facebook
The team ended the post with a statement that said the team ‘won’t be making any more comments or responding on this thread’, and that as far as they were concerned ‘the matter is now over’.
The response, littered with sarcasm, has racked up a few supporters with one person saying: “Congratulations Cowshed, you have won the internet today!”.
Another added: “Coming from a hospitality background having worked in many pubs and restaurants reviews like this can be so damaging and most of time (no one is perfect) extremely untrue and made up! When people read reviews like this they believe that the customer is right.”
A Facebook user added: “Read the review online & omg you nailed it, no establishment should have to deal with selfish morans [sic] like that…my guess is it’s going to give you more publicity. Well done guys”
A school boy has set the example of all examples after he got to work single-handedly shifting eighteen tonnes of rubbish that had been fly-tipped along a country road.
Sixteen-year-old Daniel Lewis has earned the nickname ‘SuperDan’ by locals after he set out on a mission to clean up the streets around Merthyr Tydfil, South Wales.
As a part of his selfless commitment, Daniel has organised litter picks and a community skip scheme to provide free skips to villages around his home town.
@Daniel Sam Volunteer / Facebook
And, in the last year alone, Daniel has removed over eighteen tonnes of rubbish and litter, most of which had been fly tipped onto country roads. The waste included old furniture, children’s toys and clothes and 130 used tyres.
And, upon hearing of Daniel’s mission, local businesses such as the Bryn Group of Gelligaer, started donating their services to help him dispose of the rubbish for free.
Writing on Facebook, Bryn Group said: “We were only too happy to be able to help Daniel with his quest. 18 tonnes of fly tipped waste is hard to comprehend and yet it was up there. Thanks to him it’s no longer blighting our landscape.”
@Daniel Sam Volunteer / Facebook
And Daniel, who is also an avid nature and wildlife photographer, uses his social media accounts to post reminders about the importance of preserving natural land.
He wrote: “Remember, it is not someone else’s duty to pay to dispose of your waste that you are responsible for.
“Out of respect to Volunteers like myself, companies who have provided the skips and services like Step Up Skip Hire and the beautiful countryside and farmers land, please think twice about fly-tipping and morally remember- YOU purchased the items to begin with, therefore it is YOUR responsibility to dispose of the waste correctly.”
The kind-hearted people of Manchester have been thanked after a local refugee charity received a wave of donations for those fleeing Afghanistan.
Following the Taliban’s take over of the country earlier this week, Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced that over 20,000 Afghans will be eligible to be resettled in Britain, with women and girls given priority status.
The first evacuation flight from the war-torn country arrived in the UK on Sunday, with the second touching down late on Tuesday night, and another landing early on Wednesday morning.
.@DavidDavisMP said UK should welcome “north of 50,000” refugees from Afghanistan. @pritipatel announces UK will take just 5000 initially, and 20,000 in the long term. Davis’s argument is that the UK has a moral responsibility to do more. See attached @Telegraph &
In response to the news that a number of refugees will be housed in hotels near Manchester Airport before being placed in more permanent accommodation, local charities have been appealing for donations from the public.
And, when the charity Care 4 Calais issued an urgent appeal for donations of men’s clothes and other items such as shoes, basic toiletries, stationery, and phone chargers, the people of Manchester responded remarkably.
The charity has since received dozens and dozens of bags and boxes of donations, which were delivered throughout the day from people across the city at one of their numerous drop-off points, one of which is at Beetham Tower down Deansgate.
A huge sum of money has also been donated, with the charity surpassing their initial £30,000 target for the ‘Afghan Welcome Packs’ with £40,000 in donations.
Founder Clare Moseley, who set up the charity in 2015, said on the efforts: “It’s just been fantastic.
“I’m a Northerner myself and we’re really proud of Manchester for responding in this way. We’ve had numerous locations accepting donations for us and I believe they are pretty full. We have had people bringing car loads and van loads of stuff.”
Clare added: “I think the North is always welcoming and it’s just fantastic to see communities coming together like this.”
For more information on how you can help the refugees fleeing Afghanistan, visit the following links:
Here in the UK we love a good jaunt, whether it be in the countryside, around our local park, or on our way to work.
However, it turns out that our love for walking isn’t a global thing because, according to one American this week, our passion for getting out and about on foot is completely bewildering to those on the other side of the pond.
Taking to Reddit, the American user expressed their disbelief after finding out that a ‘thirty minute walk’ is considered a ‘short walk home.’
Brett Jordan / Unsplash
They wrote: “I was listening to an ITV true crime podcast yesterday, and the person said ‘it was a short walk home, about thirty minutes.’ Is that really considered to be a short walk home?
“I can’t fathom walking that far in the US and considering it anything I’d do just to get home. Do people walk that much in the UK?”
They clarified in the comments that they were being serious, explaining that ‘most of the US just isn’t set up for walking.’
“No sidewalks, crazy drivers, plus just distance. Americans don’t walk. Also, where I am in Indiana, there is no mass transit. Indianapolis has it, but it’s scarce and quite unreliable. We drive everywhere. As in, everywhere.”
@areksan / Unsplash
Of course, the post was quickly inundated by amused British users who all couldn’t quite wrap their heads around a world of no regular walking.
One person wrote: “Thirty minutes is only a mile and a half, you’re joking aren’t you? I take my dog longer walks.”
Another noted: “I can’t speak for all people, but I would hate to meet the person to whom a 30-min walk is considered some sort of unusually length trek of incredible proportions. For any normal healthy person it’s about 1.5miles.”
The NHS website states that a brisk ten minute daily walk carries an array of health benefits and counts towards your recommended 150 minutes of weekly exercise.