TV & Film

Furious Dr Hilary hits back at GMB viewer who said coronavirus is ‘just the flu’

“Is this man for real?”




Dr Hilary Jones hit back at a Good Morning Britain viewer who said coronavirus is ‘just like the flu’.

He went on to say that the man should volunteer at the NHS to see just how serious it is.

It came about as Piers read out a viewer’s tweet that said: “Give it up Piers. Covid’s just as bad as the flu. Stop whining in a high pitched voice like a seven year old girl. Hundreds of people die from the flu, these aren’t reported. Just ask Dr Hilary.”

Piers responded: “You know something? My understanding, Dr Hilary, is that more people died this week from Covid-19 in reported numbers than have died in the entire year from flu.”

Dr Hilary explained that in just the last 24 hours 500 people had died from coronavirus.

He raged: “Is this man for real?… Is this man really serious thinking that flu is killing 500 people a day? There’s hardly any flu this season and it wouldn’t kill anything like that in a bad flu season.

“This Covid-19 virus is about 25 times more lethal than flu for anybody.”

He said: Perhaps he’d like to volunteer for the NHS volunteer scheme which helps a lot of vulnerable people.”

During the programme, Piers erupted into a rant about the government’s lack of preparation for a  second lockdown. 

During his rant, he and his co-host Susanna clashed.

Piers said: “Sorry, but I’ve seen so many people be so callous! I’ve seen them all day long and it’s the disregard for those dying and the mayhem it’s causing and the mourning to the families.”

“Yes, but you’ve got to have sympathy for those who are going to be affected – and you describe them as moaning – actually are genuinely frightened for their livelihoods,” Susanna pointed out.


Piers hit back: “Those are two different things! I’m talking about the ones that are moaning that I think don’t have a lot to moan about. Who don’t have the financial problems, don’t have health conditions and actually don’t want to have their freedom impinged.

“Well you know what? We’ve all got to do our bit! We’ve got to look after those who need medical treatment or need financial support. That is where our energy should be going!”

Susanna sighed ‘ok’. Later in the programme she pointed out to Piers that he needs to be ‘careful not to come across as not being sympathetic to those who are really going to struggle during lockdown’.

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